Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm Not Better

I'm not better if I'm not recognized for my skills
or if I'm a someone in this world

I'm not better if I have a college degree or
if my schooling was from single-motherhood

I'm not better if I live in the Suburbs, or the City

I'm not better if my job pays well or if I'm

I'm not better if my daughter gets into a fancy college or
if she goes to a community college

I'm not better if I'm fashionable or eat at trendy restaurants

I'm not better if my book gets published
I'm not better if I'm skinnier, or prettier

I'm not better if my house is clean or if I have
piles of laundry

I'm not better if I have a shiny big car or if I have
a junker

I'm not better if I've traveled the world,
or have never left my backyard