Thursday, January 31, 2008

Glorious (short and sweet)

I picked up the new David Crowder Band Album tonight when I was at Target getting a perscription. And let me tell you, WOW!

There was one song on there I already knew, it's called: "Everything Glorious", but I caught something tonight in the song that I never heard before, and it's simply profound.

Here is the lyric "You make everything glorious, You make everything glorious, You make everything glorious-what does that make me?"

For someone like me who struggles with lies of the world about who I am, it's the greatest news in the world, and the neatest Truth-and revelation-ever!

So while you go through your next day-and you're feeling negative or down on yourself-remember that simple, yet profound lyric by David Crowder! And praise God for Bands and Artists that make such an impact on our lives.

Monday, January 28, 2008


For any of you regular checkers on my blog, I apologize for not keeping updated in the last couple of months. Most of you know I am going through some crappy health issues right now and recovering from surgery. So I'm just taking one day at a time, and leaning and counting on the good Lord for strength (where else does it really come from)?!
I've been reading, writing (a tiny bit), dreaming, watching TV, organizing stuff when I feel up to it, sleeping, surfing the net, paying bills!
I actually got on a site called! I guess that shows that I've been a little lonely! Oh well!
Thanks again for checking in and hopefully passion will strike again soon!

Gina and Madz

Here is me and Madelynn at her family (13th) Birthday Party! 1/20/08