Thursday, January 31, 2008

Glorious (short and sweet)

I picked up the new David Crowder Band Album tonight when I was at Target getting a perscription. And let me tell you, WOW!

There was one song on there I already knew, it's called: "Everything Glorious", but I caught something tonight in the song that I never heard before, and it's simply profound.

Here is the lyric "You make everything glorious, You make everything glorious, You make everything glorious-what does that make me?"

For someone like me who struggles with lies of the world about who I am, it's the greatest news in the world, and the neatest Truth-and revelation-ever!

So while you go through your next day-and you're feeling negative or down on yourself-remember that simple, yet profound lyric by David Crowder! And praise God for Bands and Artists that make such an impact on our lives.