Sunday, June 08, 2008

Your Favorite One

We've been singing this song in church lately, it's by an artist called Misty Edwards. The title of it is "Your Favorite One". The first time we sang in was a couple of months ago and I was really uncomfortable. I just felt like I couldn't get myself to sing it to Him. I was thinking to myself, "Me? I'm not Your favorite one, me? this piece of crap?"

Isn't that terrible!? I just didn't feel worthy enough to come before Him in worship to sing, "Jesus, here I am Your favorite One."  It just didn't feel right, because maybe, just maybe, that girl over there is His favorite one. 

Well, I must not have been the only feeling or thinking that way because Greg (my Pastor), got up at the end of that song and said, "I know it might feel a little arrogant singing that song to Your Savior, but remember, we are ALL His favorite ones; He is a big enough God that we are all LOVED equally and are all His favorite, so you can go before the throne with confidence, not arrogance, and know that YOU are HIS favorite one!"

What a bold thing to do huh? Especially if you have such a jacked up past as mine; the fact that I can go before the throne in gladness, joyfulness, and zeal, singing, "Jesus, here I am Your favorite one." That takes some soul searching and lots of time in relationship with Him to really mean it and feel it and believe it.

So, ask yourself this, is that something you could sing before the Lord? And if not, how come?
Do what it takes to be able to get to that place, because it's the most amazing feeling, Truth in the world! I can't believe I'M HIS favorite one!