Sunday, February 17, 2008

Go and Glorify Part 2

I feel like I didn't explain what it really meant to "glorify" God. I talked a lot about making sure we are glorifying God, but what does it actually mean?

In a nutshell I explain it that it means in all we think, say and do, is it pleasing to God in a way that it shows Him off so to speak? Does it put God in the lime light? Do our actions and words and deeds radiate goodness that we get from God? If we behave ungodly or say ungodly things, it makes God look bad. And that matters because being ungodly isn't from God. We have to give God a good name, because He is so good!

We need to show the true character of God and that is found in Jesus. If I exude goodness, kindness, gentleness God gets all the glory, and in that He is glorified. I must say it is our duty to do so! He gave His life for us, let's start making choices that reflect our gratitude toward Him, and be disciplined in crucifying our flesh everyday. We will never accomplish glorifying God on a day to day basis if we don't die to self. It being connected to Him, abiding in Him as He in us. It takes intimacy with Him for His glory to come forth.

Bringing glory to God shows the world how awesome He is! It's like bragging on God! Let's do what we have to do to be spiritually disciplined in God's word, in prayer, and in community with one another to give it all back to God!


sojourner said...

Well said! Like the mirror image of Christ, we reflect His glory."And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." 2 Corinthians 3:18

florin said...

Just came across your blog – looks like I had a similar idea. I plan to subscribe to your blog.

Contemplating Beauty said...

Florin and Sojourner, you still out there?