Thursday, March 27, 2008

Gina & Madelynn go to Mexico!

My doctors recommended, that if possible, most patients get out of town to some place warm, and beautiful, after going through so much. Well, I made it happen, and the two of us got the heck outta this freezing winter and went to Playa Del Carmen. Madelynn got addicted to Virgin Strawberry Daquri's, and I found my favorite coffee (my Dad would be so jel)!, Illy! 
Madelynn got stuck with some Mexican dude putting Iguana's and a baby parrot on her (it was so cute, it was asleep the whole time)! We were back from our whole day by around 6:30 or 7:00 every night, just when everyone else, was just heading out for the night. I'd lay down and be asleep within an hour!
Madelynn learned a lot about the comforts of home. I think even more than when we went on our mission trip to Puebla. She was not a fan of sand being in her shoes or on her body! 
We had a great time, and laughed a lot! But as always, it's good to be home. I'm looking forward to posting more blogs tomorrow!


A J Doetkott said...

Love that last photo! And Madz is growing uuuup!

SO glad you could get out to warmer lands and relax and heal. XO

amy o said...


I loved the pictures of you and Madz in mexico! I'm so glad you two took that trip...I adore Playa del Carmen. Can't wait to get back there.

I agree with a j doetkott's comment. The last picture was a look like you are indulging in some kind of yummy dessert, the way you're holding that book. I loved it, too!