Friday, March 28, 2008

I'm going to Italy!

Well-not quite yet.

Anyone who knows me knows that is my #1 dream destination! And the new book I'm reading-'Eat, Pray, Love', has completely inspired me to SAVE AND SET A DATE! And the person I can't go without is-MY DAD! 

In the book I'm reading, Liz spends 4 months in Italy just for pleasure. So much pleasure, that she gained 24 pounds in 4 months! She ate the best pizza in Italy in Naples, (so this means she had the best pizza in the world because Italy has the best pizza in the world)-and she had 2 whole pizza's to herself, then her and her friend went and had Espresso and Pastries for dessert! Now no one could appreciate that as much as me and my Dad!

The whole point of Italy is going there to enjoy yourself with food. Taking your time during a meal, having wine, and drinking Espresso. Looking for the best Pizza, Pasta and the best Pastries! I just can not wait! 

Liz, the woman in the book said that Rome is very sex driven though! She said people make-out in parks on benches, and just even on the street corner! 

I look forward to the day that I'm posting pictures of my trip to Italy on my blog. . . until then. . .


sojourner said...

Glad to see your back! You'll have to go the whole Eat, Pray, Love thing and continue on to India and Indonesia if only to lose all the weight you will gain in Italy!