Tuesday, August 28, 2007


As I've been recovering from my Hysterectomy alllllll summer long, I've had a lot of time to think! Some, not so good; but a lot of: what will the next chapter in my life bring. I know it won't be another kid (man, can I really joke about it)? No, I can't! Anyway, or College, Seminary? Ministry full time? A Teacher? A Councelor?Adopt? Go forward with my brilliant beyond brilliant invention idea I have? Publish a book? The Body Shop at Home? A public speaker? And lastly, my newest thought, a Nutritionist?

I have many passions and things I believe in, or things I'd love to do. My mind really never stops with how I'd like to be used, and how I'm going to fulfill God's purpose for my life. I think about college, but I then think of the time and money money money. I can't see going to college or into Seminary a very wise thing to do. It almost feels selfish to take out loans for a ton of money, for myself, when there are 37 million Americans in poverty. I just don't think I could do it when I could do other things that wouldn't have to put me in unreasonable debt. But I've never been to college, and I think it would be a great, rewarding experience. All the other things I mentioned I can do without a college degree; some I'd make money (my invention, maybe my book, maybe speaking), and some I wouldn't. I think it would be awesome to do something where I could make some money. Mainly to give more back to God, and to help others.

So today when I was (laid up thinking), and watching Oprah (which I rarely watch), she had Dr.Oz on whom I'm familiar with and have a major crush on; and they were bringing awareness about stuff that I've been passionate about for over 5 years! I was so excited that it was finally being talked about. I have been talking and freaking out about this stuff with people for years. FOODS! Ask anyone that knows me well, or even a little, and I am all about "foods that heal", and high nutrient food. They brought up my favorite things that I think are so important.
They brought up the most exciting things:

Partially Hydrogenated Oils/Saturated Fats/Lard/Shortening
Refined Sugar/High Fructose Corn Syrup
White Flour(white bread, rice)
Canned Vegetables
Good oils/good fat (Olive Oil, Safflower Oil, Grapeseed Oil)
Whole Grains
Fresh Vegtables/Fruit

I think it was a good start for getting people aware. On Oprah they had some doctors go through a woman's kitchen, they went in her fridge and cupboards. And basically got rid of everything except her lettace and garlic. I mean most of us aren't as bad as she was, she was drinking 300 liters of pop a day! No kidding!

They did bring a lot of awareness, but my passion even goes beyond that. I believe in having no antibiotics in your dairy products, no processed foods, no MSG. I believe in no Mineral Oil on the skin, and only using God's created things from earth for our skin and bodies.

But the show did get me excited, that people are catching on now. And, while I was thinking, of course, I thought to myself, I would love to be a Nutritionist! I am already knowledegable from what I've learned on my own. I've been reading about foods for years. I love sharing what I know with people. I love helping people. I really believe in this. I looked into it, because I wondered if I'd need a 2 or 4 year actual degree. I could be doing something I'm passionate about and get paid for it, and will have not spent thousands upon thousands of dollars to get there. And better yet, I could still pursue my other gifts and passions along with this!

I found a great program online, where it's an online college. And I was right, you don't have to have a "degree". It would be a certificate, and it would take 1 year. The price is great, and I read a lot of testimonials from students. They also include a business class, to help teach you how to get started. So who knows, maybe in the next couple years you'll be coming to me for your nutrition plan! Foods are amazing, so wonderful. I think they are unbelievable how they were created and what they do for us! I will keep you posted on the journey. Who knows!

The most important thing your body needs is VITAMIN A! You will need 15,000 IU's per day for several days to give your system a boost. You can supplement, or you can eat CARROTS AND/OR SWEET POTATOES, you can also do CANTALOUPE, TANGERINES, MANGOS, OR APRICOTS. If you do a supplement, ACE'S (that's the name of it), is the best.


Unknown said...

I think you'd be a great nutritionist - there's a growing market for people interested in their health but not sure who to turn to. I think you could use the money you make to maybe get your invention to market!

A J Doetkott said...

You know, I'm super curious about this invention idea you have! I've had a couple ...

I love how passionate and knowledgeable you are with foods and nutrition.

One thing to consider, based on my own lack of drive, is not only giving someone a nutrition plan, but how to motivate them to follow it!

I have a hard time getting on board, even though I agree with you whole-heartedly.

One step I took was to try and eliminate these two things:

partially hydrogenated soybean oil
high fructose corn syrup

I can't believe you find these things in >>bread<< !