Saturday, October 27, 2007

Paper or Plastic?

We went to check out the Coborn's grocery store last week in Hastings. It's a small town grocer, but a big deal! When we were on our way in, walking in the parking lot, we noticed these fancy white (brown) handle bags with color on them. We both noticed how nice they were and were excited to get one when we checked out.

When we got to the check out, the girl who was bagging our groceries said, "Is plastic ok mam"?, I was like "No", and I had to say it a couple of times for her to listen to me.

Well when we walked out carrying our groceries, and our one very stuffed white paper colored fancy bag, we noticed just about everyone else had plastic bags! Even families with lots of groceries. I saw one family load about 12 of those little plastic bags into their mini van! It was like being in the twilight zone. I said to Kevin, "Did you notice how she asked, "Is plastic ok mama"?, and he totally noticed that too. Our conclusion is that the fancy bags cost them and arm and a leg, and they didn't want to give them away if they didn't have to, so they found a way to do that-asking us if plastic was ok. How sly!
I mean when the girl was bagging our groceries, it was obvious our bag was bursting, we definitely needed a second bag. It was pretty funny.

But anyway, all that to say this: did you know it takes 80 million gallons of oil each year to make those plastic bags? I have become so determined to NOT take them whatsoever any longer. And I mean, they use them for everything. I'll buy chicken, ice cream, banana's, and they will put those items separately in a smaller plastic bag! I mean enough already!

I suggest you purchase the canvas bags that most grocery stores sell now. They are very cheap and very handy. Just put them in your back seat after using them, and bring them in with you to the grocery store, or Target. Some stores even offer a discount if you bring your reused bags to bag your groceries. We bring all used paper, plastic or canvas bags for all our grocery shopping.

Sometimes it's ok to take those plastic bags if you plan on reusing them for things like:
-small garbage bag liners
-dog poop bags
-school lunches (I was always embarrassed though when I had to use those for my lunch)
-carrying things to and fro

You can find ways to reuse them, but when you bring your own it is such a sense of independence, to not have to take something that comes from a source that is a trillion dollar business, and not so good for the environment.

So the next time someone asks you, "Paper or plastic"?, say, "Neither".


Unknown said...

Hi Gina,
The worst part about plastic bags is that they are not easily biodegradable. Re-using the bags is fine, but how about recycling them instead? I think there is a big movement now (and some states require it) for stores that use plastic bags to also provide drop off locations for used bags.
In the grocery stores here, the bins are always over flowing with used bags, so people do actually bring them back.
The city of San Fran has banned plastic bags (which I think will have to drastically increase the use of paper bags, which hurts the environment too).
While I believe we should be good stewards of our planet, as a Christian, I believe that we won't be here forever and we need to keep that in mind. The Bible says there will be a new heaven and new earth.
I also believe that there is PLENTY of oil in the earth, but it's those who control the oil (and those who oppose new refineries and ANWAR and off shore drilling ) that are driving the prices up. Mexico and the U.S. supposedly have as much oil as the Mid-east, but no body wants to drill here.
Regardless, even if there is a shortage, then I say "good". Maybe that will force the construction of nuclear reactors and hydrogen/electric or hybrid cars and more motorcycles.

I do think the canvas shopping bag is a good idea though. hee hee

Contemplating Beauty said...

Brian-who ever you are-thank you for your responses, and no where in either of my blogs have I disagreed with you! I agree with what you said about both comments!
I think we ought to recycle, I must have left that part out in my little article!
I heard that about San Fransisco, I hope that happens here. But you are right, there are issues with paper bags too, just like there are issues with everything somewhere along the line; that's why, again, you are right, we can't make going "green" our idol! I just wanted to share some ideas with people who aren't nearly there yet on the green idea.
Thanks again! I appreciate you reading!!!

Unknown said...

It's me, Brian Chute! ha ha I just haven't filled out my profile yet.....