Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Running on Empty

When we are missing something in our lives, don’t you think we then try to find someone/something to replace it with? We try to get filled in other ways?
Don’t you think then it’s our job to not let our loved ones get to a point of empty that they are filling up on more emptiness? Isn’t it our responsibility? I would think it is. They could be running low on laughter. It could be self worth. It could be physical energy. It could be emotional exhaustion, or mental. It could be a tragedy or a heartbreak that has us running low. It could be the loss of a job, a loved one, anything. There is usually a good reason for it.

Most of the time it is something or someone that is causing us pain, or some need not being met or a disappointment we can’t get over or are experiencing. Yes, to some extent people in our lives, even our spouses are not responsible for us, but they are responsible to us, as we are to them.

Just think if everyone loved and behaved the way that God asked us to. The world would be perfect and we’d all be a lot happier, and a lot less heartbroken.

But may I suggest a middle ground? A happy medium? Even though Jesus does say-“Be perfect, as your Father in Heaven is perfect”. I don’t think we’ll accomplish that till the very end.
But, if we could provide and invest in our loved ones, especially our spouses and children, don’t you think they would be more content? Like I mean really care, invest, and take time for them.

Take time as to say we look out for their welfare. We consciously look out for them, make sure we are meeting their needs and seeing how we can help them and serve them. To make that a top priority, so that it will become a discipline in our lives. A new habit.

If we could accomplish that, or at least try for that, I think our loved ones would be less apt to indulge in things outside of God’s will. Everything from their behaviors, choices, attitudes, and even splurging on material things. They wouldn’t run as fast to bad behaviors of spending, or acting out. Most of us do those kinds of things as a cover up to something else. Something deeper that is going on that isn’t right-rooted hurt or pain.

It’s like it would be up to us for the people in our lives to be whole and happy. Content and satisfied at best. They would be satisfied in the relationship they have with us and what we are providing for them, and with that, inevitably, healthier in life.

If the people in our lives and vise versa, spent more time in investing in us and loving and serving us the way God asks, things would run a lot smoother, and we would be more fulfilled.

Of course, our One and Only being Jesus is enough for any of us, but He does use people in our life too. We are all commanded of this nurturing and loving and servant hood. We are to be a vessel of God’s, a tool and a light for others. We are to be taking initiative in developing these relationships. To be lifting others up, taking time out and spending time with them. Caring more about them, than ourselves. That is a tall order, but it is asked of us.

But we cannot be this light without God at the center. Looking for Him to use us, and accessing His Holy Power; that is what will transform our mundane, average, human hearts.
HE will give us what we need to give others what they need!
We have to pray and continue to kill off our depraved fallen selves in order to be of any good or use.

We meet in the middle, is what I like to call it. We get up in the morning, we acknowledge God and our weakness and we ask, and invite Him in, then ask Him to meet us there, and He comes. And humbly we receive His grace, mercy and guidance. He shows up. We work together. We don’t wait for God to do it all. We have to first get to the place with Him. To the throne (as I call it). Once we are there, He sees our hearts, minds, and spirit, and knows we need Him, then, once we are humbled, He is ready to work with us. He will get us to that place of serving our loved ones. He will get us to the place to where our loved ones won’t need other people or things to fulfill them, because we will be able to do it! And we can't without God! He gives us the strength, and the wisdom. We let and allow Him to change our hearts.

What is pleasing to God is when we obey Him. When we act on His word and not just read it.
If we are running on empty, of course we can turn to God to be filled and we do. But we should also, hands down, without a doubt be able to be filled by the people that say they love us.